Needlework, Needlework Stand, Gazelle, Gazelle2, Elan, Elan Lap, Elan Tabletop stand. Needlework frame, Ergo, Ergo Floor Stand, Ergo Floor Frame, Artisan, Deluxe Bookchart, Bookchart , Lokscroll Frame, Scroll Frame, Floor Stand

Lokscroll Locking Knobs (8)

$23.95 / unit(s)
Price plus sales tax, plus delivery

Available shipping method: Shipping & Handling

These are Two (2) inch diameter knobs with steel billet turned & tapped 1/4:20 hardware. These inserts alone cost more than the combined cost of the smaller wood knobs and cast zinc hardware most other's use. So you've got something you can actually grip, and materials that are designed to last a lifetime.

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